
“Keep hitting our performance limit”

Oliver Glasner sets out the approach for the final home game of the year against Hoffenheim, praises Kamada, gives an update on Buta and looks forward to a reunion with Hinteregger.

Oliver Glasner on…

...the situation ahead of the final home game of 2022: “We’re in a good spell, the team are making a good impression. We want to impose our strengths so that we get the next three points. We’re not going into it half-heartedly just because we’re in good form at the moment. We won’t win any games with butterflies in our stomach. We’ll only get three points if we keep hitting our performance limit. If we do that, I’m sure the fans will also go home happy.”

…opponents TSG Hoffenheim: “The team are making a good impression, as before, they’re having fun and are committed. The target against Hoffenheim is the same. They’ve stalled a bit lately but we’re not going to be deceived by that. Hoffenheim are a motivated and technically strong team.“

…team news: “Hasebe and Lenz remain sidelined. Sebastian Rode will also sit out tomorrow – it’s a mixture of a calf problem and a precaution. Daichi Kamada and Timmy Chandler are back in the squad.”

We’ll only get three points if we keep hitting our performance limit

Head coach Oliver Glasner

...Aurélio Buta: “It’s looking good with Aurélio Buta. He’s training, albeit not yet to a high degree. The knee isn’t showing any reaction, which is good. We’ll now slowly introduce him to the workload that he can expect, particularly during training in January.”

…Daichi Kamada: “Daichi has undergone an incredible development. We’ve just been there to guide him, regularly giving him input. This season he’s probably taken an even greater step than we expected of him. I hope Daichi stays with us beyond the summer. I can only highlight the sporting prospects to him, though – Daichi will decide himself at the end of the day.”

…the farewell to Martin Hinteregger: “I’m still in regular contact with Martin. Martin Hinteregger is doing well. He comes across healthy and happy, which is important. He deserves the goodbye tomorrow because he’s a face of our success story in recent years.”