
“Be firmer in our defending”

Oliver Glasner delivers a personnel update, assesses the opponents from Cologne and praises Luca Pellegrini.

Oliver Glasner on…

…the week in training: The week basically went in a very positive way. We tried a few things in training and took plenty out of that. You’ll see what we worked on against Köln

…personnel: Daichi Kamada fell ill and couldn’t train. Ajdin Hrustic is feeling something in his thigh so he’s out. Not counting the ‘keepers, we’ve got 18 fit players – including Marcel Wenig – who’ll be in the squad.

…injuries: “Jérôme Onguéné has already joined in with parts of team training. He should take part in Monday’s session for the players who don’t play and then start full training. With Aurélio Buta, everything’s going to plan so far. The hope is that he can gradually be integrated into team training in September. Almamy Toure has a tendon injury, which will keep him out for at least two months. I’m hoping that it progresses a bit quicker and that he can play one or two games in the autumn.”

We want to pick up a home win and have to concentrate on what’s required to do that.

Head coach Oliver Glasner

…opponents 1. FC Köln: “I was at the stadium on Thursday evening and watched the match live. Köln demonstrated what we’d already seen beforehand. They’re a very aggressive team, in their attacking play and without the ball. The red card highlights their problem area, which is that their aggressive style of play always opens up spaces. We want to pick up a home win and have to concentrate on what’s required to do that.”

…his impressions of Luca Pellegrini: Luca Pellegrini confirmed our impressions of him, namely that he is athletic, full of energy and has plenty of confidence. He’s very open and communicative and he settled in really quickly

…the formation: “We’re constantly thinking about which system we want to play with. What’s most important of all, though, is our actions, which are irrespective of the system. It’s about sharpening and internalising that. We also need to be firmer in our defending again – I’m not happy with the number of goals we’ve conceded. That’s something we’ve explicitly addressed this week.”